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Spencer Simon

Marketing and Client Care Specialist at Chestnut Park Real Estate


In her role as a Marketing, Operations and Client Care Specialist, Spencer channels her passion for real estate to effectively communicate and cater to the needs of clients, both past and present. With a discerning eye for design, Spencer utilizes social media not only to strengthen existing relationships but also to forge new connections, employing a strategic and creative approach to crafting social content.


Having obtained her BA from St. Francis Xavier University, Spencer’s academic journey laid the groundwork for her subsequent career in Fashion Marketing and PR. Her extensive knowledge and experience in the field now stand as a valued resource within the team’s arsenal. While fulfilling her current role by assisting the team, Spencer is also dedicating herself to obtaining her real estate license with the aim of joining The Penzo Team as an agent.

Advice I'd tell my younger self: Surround yourself with motivating people who make you feel good and inspired.

A woman who inspires me: My mother, Jody Steinhauer

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